Explore Cathedral School


Christian Aid Week 2021

14 May 2021
Christian Aid Week 2021

Last week, we joined with people around the UK in supporting Christian Aid Week.

Our youngest Nursery pupils donned their wellies to walk around the entire school campus, particularly loving their time on the school field. Parallels could be drawn with a well-known TV series as they loved jumping in muddy puddles! Reception and Year 1 loved their walk around the Cathedral and a small portion of the Penrhys Pilgrimage route, where in previous years we have planted snowdrops. Pupils from Years 2 to 6 walked across to Llandaff Fields where the younger pupils made the trek towards the SWALEC stadium, before returning to school a little more tired than when they left. Our older Juniors walked across Blackweir Bridge and towards the Castle, before again crossing the river at the SWALEC stadium and returning to school. Spending this time with friends, allowed the pupils to realise how lucky we are to live where we do. Unlike those that we have heard about this week who struggle for food and drinking water and must themselves make a daily journey to simply quench their thirst. We hope that this appreciation stays with us all. A huge thank you to all those who have already gained sponsorship from family and friends and have donated to this year’s appeal. Please do give what you can via https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/cathedralschoolcharitywalk

To view the full gallery of photos, please visit https://www.cathedral-school.co.uk/gallery.html

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