Early Years Foundation Stage - from age 3 (Nursery & Reception)
The Cathedral School Nursery offers an exciting and stimulating world in which to start school life. Here we begin the partnership between home and school. The well-being and happiness of our children are of the highest priority and we work closely with parents to ensure the Nursery provides for the needs and interests of each individual child. We believe that children achieve their best when they feel happy and secure, in a highly engaging and welcoming environment.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework sets out four core areas which are key to our Nursery meeting all your child’s needs:
The Unique Child
Treating children as individuals, putting their needs at the forefront of our planning.
Positive Relationships
Building excellent relationships with adults and children and families.
Enabling Environment
A place to be creative, engaged, motivated, a place to explore and be inquisitive, a place to have fun, be physical, take on challenges, investigate and solve problems.
Learning and Achievement
Teaching and learning in a more formal way – development of basic skills through structured programmes of phonics, reading and mathematics.
Housed in the beautiful, purpose built extension of The Lodge, the Nursery features a large activity room, ‘wet play' area and detached quiet learning room. An extensive outdoor play space, part of which is covered, ensures children have access to outdoor learning whatever the weather. The Nursery is well equipped with play and educational resources to facilitate the development of the ‘whole child’.
Generously staffed with a teacher and qualified nursery nurses, the Nursery is managed on a day-to-day basis by Sarah Morgan and Julia Haines. Sarah Morgan is also the Early Years Co-ordinator. Close relationships are built with families from the outset and daily communication about children’s development and achievements is provided.
Children can join Nursery as soon as they are three years old, subject to places being available. Nursery children are automatically allocated a Reception place for the September following their fourth birthday.
The section is led by the Assistant Head (EYFS and Key Stage 1), Karen Price, and our Early Years Co-ordiantor is Sarah Morgan.
For further information on joining Nursery, please contact the Registrar, Ms Deborah Whitehouse, either by e-mail registrar@cathedral-school.co.uk or on 029 2083 8504.