Senior Open Morning
Wednesday 19 March 2025
The Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Catrin Ellis-Owen is supported by a team of twelve pastoral and university guidance tutors, as well as a team of experienced A level subject teachers.
Having begun sixth form teaching in September 2013, the sixth form has been developed to meet the requirements of our students; A level courses, university support, co-curricular programme and pastoral care.
There is no doubt that knowing subject teachers, the tutors, and the school system and peers, enhances academic performance. Students are usually surprised by how different their relationship with their teachers is once they enter the sixth form. They learn in partnership, on a much more equal footing, as they share their knowledge and enthusiasm for their subject. Smaller teaching groups allow for considerable individual guidance and will enable students to get the most out of their chosen subjects and to do well. The maximum set size is 15, and most subjects have a far smaller number than this.
All sixth form students are assigned a tutor, a teacher who works under the direction of the Head of Sixth Form to oversee students’ academic progress, pastoral wellbeing, co-curricular commitments and university applications. The sixth form tutor works closely with each student and his/her parents, and with the teaching staff generally, to ensure that the student is making significant progress throughout the two years of sixth form. This is monitored through half termly reports to parents.
There is much greater freedom and independence in the sixth form; students choose when they want to study or go into the village, visit the gym, practice their music or socialise in the sixth form common room, taking ownership of their studies. Time management support is provided to ensure students keep on top of their work and enjoy sixth from life to the full.
“The sixth form is a whole different world from GCSE. Having our own place in the School and our own Sixth Form Centre is great and we have the choice of what to do with our free time, whether we go to the gym, work or catch up with friends in the common room.” Emily L