As a Christian School, we are extremely proud of our pastoral work. We regard all individuals as important and we do our utmost to ensure the children enjoy their time at the school and leave us as happy, confident and well-rounded pupils.
As a result, we believe efficient and excellent communication between parents, staff and children is the key to success. At various times during the year, children might become upset over an issue which might be in the home, in school or outside. It is essential we do not proportion blame but work together to ensure difficulties, anxieties/concerns are addressed. In this way, the children can feel safe, secure and content in the knowledge that something is being done to help them.
Communication can take place via a letter, telephone conversation, email and parents' evenings. However, we believe the best form of communication is through a direct approach and the Head of Primary, Assistant Heads and Form Teachers are usually available at the end of the School day, as well as at the start of the day in urgent cases. All staff, Teaching Assistants, the Chaplain, Librarian and School Nurse, as well as the Midday and Lunchtime Supervisors have an important role to play and work together to ensure the children's time at school is a happy one.
The staff meet weekly to discuss pupils' pastoral welfare and wellbeing. As a result, all teachers have a full knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of pupils' needs within the Primary Section. Those pupils, who might in some way or other require support, are closely monitored for a set period of time. If there is further cause for concern, parents will be contacted so that a clear action plan can be implemented. Pupils with more significant emotional needs can access ELSA support through our trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants. We also run Flourish with groups of older Primary pupils, where our Flourish trained practitioners deliver an eight-week programme designed to foster positive relationships and enhance self-confidence.