Senior Open Morning
Wednesday 19 March 2025
“I want to give my life to God” and “I wish to live my life in the very best way possible”; these are just some of the profound motivations expressed by pupils who were confirmed earlier this week. 13 pupils made a commitment to follow Christ and received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Cathedral on Wednesday evening. Beginning with a wonderful pre-confirmation party tea in the Refectory, confirmands gathered with their invited guests who had come to share in this joyous life-event with them.
Mrs Sherwood presented the candidates to Bishop Mary, who spoke in her sermon of the privilege of witnessing so many young people make such a public commitment to follow the way of Jesus. She then placed her hands on each of the candidate’s head, declaring that “God had called them by name and made them his own”, and asking the Holy Spirit to “confirm your servants with your heavenly grace…empower them for your service and keep them in eternal life”.
Our thanks to the Dean and Chapter at the Cathedral for the hospitality extended in hosting the service and also to the Chapel Choir who enriched the liturgy by singing James Macmillan’s St. Anne’s Mass and offering two anthems: Christ be With Me by Oliver Tarney and Come Unto Me by Rupert Jeffcoat. Our thanks also to Head of Music, Mr Aspden, for overseeing such an inspired and prayerful musical offering. In all, the evening was a joyous celebration of worship and faith and a witness to the mature and meaningful way in which our young people are stepping into lives of Christian discipleship.
We now look forward to our next confirmation as Fr Gareth delivers a bespoke curriculum in Religious Studies to Year 7. This programme offers an academic overview of the Christian faith to all pupils, whilst also preparing those who might wish to opt for confirmation in the Summer term. More details of dates and timings will be published in the new year, meanwhile any member of staff or pupil wishing to explore confirmation are encouraged to get in touch with Fr Gareth.
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