Senior Open Morning
Wednesday 19 March 2025
In the next two short but important years, students will begin to plan for the future and to make exciting decisions about the next stage of their life. Throughout the whole process, our experienced staff will support them with higher education and careers advice.
These two years also provide an important time for them to develop their leadership skills and to contribute to aspects of how the school is run. Taking responsibility is an essential skill for later life and here is their opportunity to have a say, steer a new initiative and use their experience to support and guide the lower end of the school, making a significant contribution to the school and the wider community. Adopting a different status within the school community, students are regarded as fellow adults. As a small but important symbol of this, they have the same dress code as the academic staff.
Life in the sixth from is an unforgettable experience, characterised by energy, enthusiasm, rising to the challenge, hard work, fun and laughter. We want students to leave the Cathedral School with the best possible A Level results, and with the same sense of achievement, purpose, self-belief in their abilities and strengths.
Choosing the Cathedral School for the sixth form will make the beginning of a new and exciting phase in their educational experience. We already know our students well and are in the best position to guide them to fulfil their academic ambitions and to develop into assured individuals, ready for the challenges of university and adult life. A comprehensive induction programme, a buddy system led by the Year 13 Student Integration Leader and many sixth form social events, ensure Year 11 pupils and those joining from other schools settle into sixth form life swiftly here.
The culmination of two year's hard work is celebrated both at Commemoration and the Sixth Form Ball where students acknowledge their years of companionship and friendship.
As Old Llandavians, we will follow with interest their progress through university and beyond.