Explore Cathedral School


Mad Hair for Pudsey Bear

16 November 2018
Mad Hair for Pudsey Bear

Mad Hair for Pudsey Bear has been the order of the day for the Primary Section, raising money for Children in Need. 

Thank you to our parents for the amazing creations that arrived atop of our pupils' heads.

It was amazing to see the wigs, headbands, colours, volume and originality of some of the hairdos that greeted us. A special thank you to our Our Eco Warriors who raised an outstanding £250 from their cake sale. They also led a fantastic assembly about our responsibility to be global citizens, and how our support for Children in Need goes towards this. Well done, Warriors!

We all entered into the spirit of things. Thanks again for a 'hair-larious' and 'perm-anent' reminder of how wonderful our school is.

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