The Cathedral School is delighted to announce another year of outstanding examination results. 100% of pupils passed 5 GCSEs at grades A* - C, and an impressive 68% of all grades were at A* or A. 14 pupils, nearly a quarter of the year group, gained all A* and A grades, and two pupils, Ian Jenkyn and Rachel Thomas, passed all eleven subjects at A* grade. Boys and girls achieved the same level of distinction in terms of top grades.
Headmaster Stephen Morris commented: "Congratulations are due to the young men and women at the Cathedral School for their commitment to hard work over so many months and years, and to their teachers. These are excellent results, showing solid academic achievement and scholarship."
The Cathedral School has an Open Afternoon on Friday 26 September, 2.00 - 3.30 pm, at which pupils and parents of all age groups will be most welcome.