Explore Cathedral School


Outstanding performances at Lunchtime Concert

27 May 2016
Outstanding performances at Lunchtime Concert

The Music Faculty presented another major concert this week. We were grateful to be able to hold this concert in Llandaff Cathedral as part of our regular series of lunchtime recitals. However, this particular concert was on a much larger scale, involving performances from Junior and Senior Flutes (the first time they have combined), Woodwind Trio, Cello Ensemble, String Ensemble, Piano Trio and Senior Chamber Choir. In addition, we enjoyed impressive solo performances by Robert K (Bach’s Prelude from Suite No. 1, for cello), and Tomos B (Debussy’s sparklingly virtuosic, ‘L’isle joyeuse’).

The standard of music-making was as high as usual with one member of the audience commenting that the concert ‘took my breath away’ – a wonderful endorsement. Ensemble highlights were numerous but must surely include String Ensemble’s moving rendition of Karl Jenkins’ ‘Benedictus’, also featuring Alex M on Timpani and Daniel W on Trumpet – exploiting utilising the physical space of the Cathedral. In culmination, Senior Chamber Choir’s performance of ‘Fix You’ really was very special indeed, featuring some beautifully sung harmonies and contrasting emotions of intense poignancy and joy.

A concert to remember, as we approach the closing weeks of this academic year.

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