Senior Open Morning
Wednesday 19 March 2025
Eight of our Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to join Queen Camilla, the Prince of Wales, other royalty and guests at the Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey. Prior to the service, we were able to take in several of the notable London landmarks, along with an education in British history from Mrs Sherwood with every monument and statue we passed. Following a quick bite to eat and a swift walk back from Trafalgar Square, we entered the Abbey and were mesmerized by its scale and grandeur.
With moving performances from dance group The Ghetto Kids, singer Callum Scott and world renowned pianist Spencer Klymyshyn, the magnificent Abbey was filled with a cacophony of celebration. Add to this the message delivered by King Charles’ video recording and the spokespeople from religions of all commonwealth denominations, this service magnificently celebrated the 75th year of the Commonwealth of Nations. It was so moving to listen to readings and poems that encapsulated just how special a celebration this was. Seeing the flags from all 56 independent countries paraded throughout the Abbey was a clear reminder of what can be achieved if we all work together towards a common goal. We all left the service with a genuine appreciation of what we were lucky to have experienced.