Senior Open Morning
Wednesday 19 March 2025
It was wonderful to welcome back over 70 Old Llandavians who spanned many generations from very recent leavers to some who had left in 1957.
The day started with a Netball match with an OL team consisting of various former members of staff and pupils versus our 1st VII, despite the heat the OLs won 21-11.
After the match we made our way to the Bishop’s Field which looked glorious in the sunshine. Louise Mumford, our Archivist, created a fantastic display of material chosen to include photographs and memorabilia for the age groups present.
Following a drinks reception on the field a delicious buffet lunch was laid out in the marquee and our catering team surpassed themselves. We then had the pleasure of welcoming Leshia Hawkins, who had previously spoken at our annual Sports Dinner. Leshia, CEO of Cricket Wales, honoured us by opening our new cricket nets, a much sought after addition to our school facilities. Thankfully the scissors were sharp enough to cut the ribbon!
On returning to the marquee, the sound of leather on willow could be heard as the OL T20 cricket match commenced. Chairs were strategically placed in the shade for all to enjoy. The final score being CSL 1st XI 149 for 6 beat OLs 133 for 9.
The weather was on our side, and it was a glorious day which drifted into the evening.