Primary Open Morning
Wednesday 12 February 2025
This week, every class from Year 1-13 had the opportunity to visit the incredible Prayer Space that had been created in the School Chapel. The theme for our Prayer Space this year was Pilgrimage through Holy Week.
There were eight stations set up which walked through Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to his Glorious Resurrection on Easter Day. Pupils travelled round the spaces in small groups, reading Bible verses and taking part in activities which encouraged them to learn and reflect upon the life of Jesus and how it relates to their lives today. The focus areas included expectations, community, asking for help, friendship, justice, forgiveness and hope. The feedback from pupil was very positive with many reflecting on their own journeys of life. A huge thanks goes out to all school staff involved in setting up and running the Prayer Space this year along with the volunteers from St Padarn’s Theological College for all their hard work during our reflective week.