Senior Open Morning
Wednesday 19 March 2025
A huge thank you to our entire school community for your support in this week’s Christian Aid charity events.
It was truly wonderful to see pupils from all parts of the School, parents, staff and friends of CSL joining us for the bountiful breakfast. The Refectory was filled with smiling faces, lots of excited chatter and over 300 full stomachs. An enormous thank you to the staff who assisted on the day, with special mention going to our wonderful Chartwells catering team.
Alongside this, Pupils from Nursery to Year 6 have successfully undertaken their charity walks with routes differentiated according to the ages of pupils. Nursery and Reception ventured to the Cathedral and walked part of the Penrhys pilgrimage route, taking them as far as the weir at Llandaff Rowing club and back. Our thanks to Year 6 and Year 5 who helped our youngest Primary pupils on their walks. Pupils from Years 1 to 6 strolled to Llandaff fields, with the younger pupils walking a loop of the field and the older pupils travelling as far as Cardiff Castle before returning to school. Being blessed by such glorious weather this week certainly made these walks enjoyable.