Senior Open Morning
Wednesday 19 March 2025
The Cathedral School Early Years environment is a place of energy and creativity, where children learn through play, while also being introduced to focused learning activities to set down the foundations of early reading, writing and numeracy. Engaging in both focused and independent learning, our Nursery and Reception pupils experience a wide range of activities, working towards achieving the standards as set in the English Early Years Foundation Stage. The curriculum covers 7 areas of learning which are planned through child centred topics:
We allow for flexibility in the curriculum so that teachers can plan around the interests of the pupils, ensuring they are engaged and motivated in all their learning.
The outdoor space is a natural extension of the classroom. As well as allowing children to engage directly with the environment, outdoor learning also brings together many different elements of the curriculum. Being outdoors allows children greater freedom of spirit and risk taking opportunities, as well as enhancing physical, creative and exploratory learning.
From Nursery, all pupils begin their first specialist music lessons with Ms Gretton, who visits weekly to deliver hands-on, interactive music lessons enthusing a wonderful mix of percussion and song.
Pupils also have the opportunity to take part in specialist football sessions and ballet classes on a weekly basis.