The Lodge provides a secure, welcoming, well equipped suite of rooms that enable the Early Years and KS1 children to be independent but safe at all times. Each classroom has areas for ‘carpet time', formal lessons, play and ‘messy' activities. Children visit the well-stocked Lodge Library weekly, where our librarian helps them to choose a book to take home. Our quiet room is available for individual or group lessons with a specialised learning support room.
ICT plays an important role in the curriculum and The Lodge classrooms are well equipped with excellent ICT equipment. Each classroom has a touch screen interactive board for whole class teaching, and a range of tablets and laptops. The range of ICT equipment allows children to not only learn specific ICT skills, but to support and enhance learning across the curriculum.
The Memorial Hall provides an excellent multi-purpose space for our Primary children to enjoy assemblies, PE lessons and music.
A specialist music teacher takes pupils for lessons, using a wide range of instruments and other facilities. Similarly, a specialist Drama teacher delivers lessons in the Drama Studio, the main school's performance space. This well-equipped hall, with stage lighting and seating for 200, is also used for theatre visits, concerts and productions. Sports activities also benefit from the shared site: Games lessons are held in the Sports Hall or on the Bishop's Field, delivered by specialist sports coaches.
A beautiful, enchanted site just inside our school gates is home to our wonderful Forest School, featuring log–circle, wig-wam, fire-pit, den-making equipment, a bug hotel and a mud kitchen, all which provide the perfect setting for curriculum-related, child-led topics in the wonderful outdoors. All pupils from Nursery to Year 2 visit the Forest School and activities include building, bug hunting, making mud masks, planting wild flowers, building arches and fences, Forest School Masterchef.
The School's situation in Llandaff provides a wealth of opportunities for the children to experience life outside the campus. The Cathedral is regularly visited, as is the High Street as a geography resource. Favourite places in Cardiff include Techniquest, St Fagans Museum, the New and Sherman Theatres, the National Museum and Gallery of Wales, Llandaff Fields, the Castle and Cardiff Bay. All of these are within easy visiting distance of the School.
Finally, our parents provide a rich resource for us. In the past few years we have received visits from police, firemen, doctors, nurses, dentists, airline pilots, vets, authors, actors, TV presenters, sportsmen and women, artists and sculptors - the list goes on. Life is certainly never dull at the Cathedral School!