Our Reception curriculum encourages a progressive development of skills in a seamless transition from Nursery. Still following the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum the children are given opportunities for increased focused learning, alongside collaborative work, structured play, outdoor learning and investigative and practical activities.
Our Year 1 and 2 curriculum is rooted firmly in the English national curriculum, but is enhanced to go above and beyond, to best meet the needs of our children and provide specialist teaching in Music, Sport and Drama. We also introduce the learning of Languages in Years 1 and 2 where pupils learn Welsh in Year 1 and French in Year 2. The resulting framework provides a rich, rigorous and motivating curriculum for each individual child.
We pay a great deal of attention to teaching the basic skills in Mathematics, Reading and Writing. A structured programme of phonics is used to teach the skills of reading and spelling. Pupils benefit from short, focused daily sessions of Read, Write, Inc. Literacy is at the heart of our teaching. We believe strongly in supporting children to become confident and competent readers and expose them to a wide range of literature. High quality texts are used to spark children’s imagination and make excellent links with subjects such as History, Geography and Design and Technology.
A love of telling, reading and writing stories is regularly brought to life with events such as Creative Writing Week, Roald Dahl Day, our Reading Café, and by visiting authors and theatre groups.
We aim for our children to be competent in basic Mathematics skills and operations by the time they leave Infants. We ensure pupils gain a complete understanding of Mathematics concepts by providing lots of practical work and hands-on resources. We couple this with more traditional methods such as learning number bonds and early time tables by heart.
We aim to foster inquisitive minds, a love of learning, and the confidence to take risks, so that we prepare children for a smooth transition and an excellent start to Year 3.