Explore Cathedral School

Academic Standards & Results

Academic standards in KS2 are high. 

Results show that the school has continually gained extremely high marks in national assessments.  

As a result, pupils also sit an 11+ examination at the end of KS2, similar to other IAPS schools in England.  We believe these examinations raise academic standards further.  Schemes of work are exciting and challenging and meet or exceed National Curriculum requirements in England. Children will be prepared for this challenge that lies ahead in each year group throughout KS2.

However, we firmly believe that ALL subjects should offer diversity and challenges and with this in mind, the Humanity subjects, together with other areas of the curriculum taught, many by subject specialists, offer breadth, balance and relevance.  Level of attainment in Reading and Spelling are extremely high, in the case of the former, the majority of pupils are above their chronological age.