
All boys at the Cathedral School play football during the Lent Term. Home matches take place on one of our three pitches, under the inspiring view of Llandaff Cathedral, or on the Cardiff Met Llandaff campus with their exceptional football facility.

Players’ talent, developed in both curricular and co-curricular sessions, is where they learn new skills, tactical awareness and the importance of teamwork. Due to our size, we are able to monitor closely the progress of all our players, ensuring that training sessions are designed specifically to extend the ability of each individual. Those selected to represent the School, enjoy success in a full and varied fixture list, against both independent and state schools.

Girls’ football is part of the Schools sporting provision.  There are sessions to develop skill and game understanding during Michaelmas with opportunities for competition in tournaments or fixtures in Lent term.  

The Cathedral School
Independent School for Boys & Girls aged 3 – 18
Cardiff Road
Llandaff, Cardiff, CF5 2YH
Members of Woodard, Society of Heads (formerly SHMIS), IAPS, Choir Schools Association, ISC
The Cathedral School (Llandaff) Limited. Company. reg no. 5091977 - Charity no. 1103522
©The Cathedral School (Llandaff) Limited October 2015