
Senior Chamber Choir (Thursday 13:10-13:35)

(Years 7 to 13 – SATB upper and lower voices) No particular experience necessary and a great choice for Year 7 singers! Wide ranging repertoire, recent works including Vivaldi’s Gloria and Chilcott’s A Little Jazz Mass.

Chapel Choir (Wednesday - before school)

Experienced singers: Boys and Girls, SATB; good music reading skills essential.

Selected choral duties at the Cathedral - usually one Choral Evensong per Half-Term.

Cantemus (Friday13:00- 13:30)

Year 5 & 6, Boys & Girls. See Ms Gretton to arrange a simple vocal audition.

Junior Girls’ Choir (Wednesday 13:00-13:25)

Years 3-6 Girls. All inclusive Girls’ Choir building confidence and joy in singing together.

Junior Boys’ Choir (Wednesday 08:15- 08:35)

Years 3-6 Boys. Short rehearsals and a definite emphasis on having fun in a choir.

Year 2 Choir (Monday 12:30- 12:50)

Year 2 boys & girls – the ideal way to cultivate a love of singing at an early age.

The Cathedral School
Independent School for Boys & Girls aged 3 – 18
Cardiff Road
Llandaff, Cardiff, CF5 2YH
Members of Woodard, Society of Heads (formerly SHMIS), IAPS, Choir Schools Association, ISC
The Cathedral School (Llandaff) Limited. Company. reg no. 5091977 - Charity no. 1103522
©The Cathedral School (Llandaff) Limited October 2015